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Planning for Failure to Achieve Success
One of the relative advantages of traveling so much is that I end up spending a lot of time looking at books at the airport. On my most...

Making Your Data Tell a Better Story - Visual Images
Let me begin with a confession: I'm not only a qualitative researcher, I'm actually an ethnographer. That means I'm one of those nutter...

The Caregiver Placebo Effect in Policing Research
In evaluations for programs aimed at improving client outcomes it is not uncommon for evaluators to interview those administering the...

Just a Theory
One of the most abused words in the English language must certainly be theory. Here are some common examples: 1. "I have a theory ..." ...

Why We Hedge Our Bets
One of the common refrains I hear from those skeptical of the usefulness of science to answer both everyday and so-called wicked problems...

Making it a Bit Harder to Accept Junk Research in Policing
This week CAN-SEBP officially launched Square 1 (as in, if you're doing evidence based policing, here's a good place to get started). ...

Getting Started: Existing Data Sources
I teach a graduate seminar in qualitative research methods, which presents an excellent opportunity to not only share my knowledge with...

That Word Doesn’t Mean What You Seem to Think it Means
What word is that? It’s INNOVATION. According to the handy online dictionary, it means: Now why on earth would I write a research blog...

A Tale of Two EBPs ... cont'd.
I thought it was time to provide a bit of an update on how things are going for the EBP Working groups at VicPD and London Police. Let's...

Research Hacks, Vol. II
One Sunday morning a friend of mine, who happens to be in policing AND an apparent glutton for punishment, messaged me on Twitter to...
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