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EBP Champs
"And bad mistakes ... I've made a few" When CAN-SEBP started in 2015, the policing research landscape in Canada was pretty bleak. With...

Research Hacks, Volume I
One of the most persistent complaints about evidence-based policing – against academic research altogether – is its existence behind...

This Above All Else: Rigor
Let's tackle something head on: those of you who have felt that evidence based policing is just the newest policing fad are correct. ...

A Tale of Two EBPers
A while back I read an article that referenced CAN-SEBP's work and suggested very little work has been undertaken to increase the number...

The Kindness of Strangers
“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” – Blanche DuBois. I am probably dating myself a little here with this literary...

Negotiating Access - Don’t Be an User
A couple of weeks ago the topic of my Qualitative Research class was “acquiring and sustaining access.” As we discussed for the better...

If You Want Something Done Right ...
There’s a lot of discussion in the world of evidence-based policing on the question of how you embed EBP within police organizations....

Transparency in Science
A couple of weeks ago, a police service issued a news release stating they had used local area crime data to measure whether crime and...

The Cult: An Interesting Take on Research
Remember the old days when we had "fads"? I'm not talking about poodle skirts or parachute pants. I'm talking about community policing,...

The Checklist Approach
In a previous blog I talked about the issue of smaller sample sizes in qualitative research*. As you may remember, one of the most common...
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